Thursday, April 8, 2010

Play Date

We had a play date with the neighbors over Easter break. We were going to hike the Bowl but plans did not work out so we ran around the rocks by the neighbor's home instead.

The kids had fun just being in the wind, climbing, digging and following each other around exploring.

Daisy was put in her place by the 2 adult dogs there and tried to be a part of their play. The dogs would play fetch and Daisy would get growled at, so she would casually tag along instead of try to get the ball.

We attempted to bring a lunch but after the kids made their sandwiches, they ate them so we just brought snacks. My house does not have "regular snacks" meaning, I grabbed a head of romaine lettuce, big carrots, homemade granola bars and strips of cheese I cut, and of course dry fruit. To my surprise, the neighbor kids enjoyed the lettuce too! Store bought, processed snack food is overrated and expensive.

Overall, our random playdate worked out well, and Jean never figured out her computer issues but at least we were able to be outside.

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