Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter at Grandma's

On Monday, I was able to take the kids to Kevin's family Easter basket hunt. Unfortunately Kevin had to work but we did bring home his basket, so he didn't completely miss out. We were able to visit with a couple of his siblings and parents.

Derrick all the sudden said "I found my basket. Can I have it?"
The response was "Is your name on it?"
"Then yes, you can have it."

After that the girls set to out to find theirs. Samantha and KayDee found theirs pretty quick and I had to be reminded to find mine. I was used to just watching the kids hunt so I didn't even think to hunt for mine.

We left early to start our irrigation and it was RAINING! It slowed as I drove south and by the time I got home there was hardly a sprinkle. I turned on the water and it started hailing! The ground was covered as if it were snow. Very soon after it melted and that is why I take pictures. White precipitation doesn't last long here so we document it so others will believe us!

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