Tuesday, March 22, 2011


 We were advised from the Dentist that KayDee should get her tonsils out. She has always snored and slept with her mouth open. The dentist said her teeth were being effected by her breathing through her mouth. I listened and then mentioned it to her doctor when I got the chance. He'd never heard of it but another doctor said that it is a concern. So after a rough couple weeks of KayDee sleeping TERRIBLE and me laying next to her to calm her down, I noticed that she stops breathing too. Problems just kept compounding.
A+B=ENT=Tonsils and Adnoids out. 
We took her to the ENT and he said he knew why she snored because her tonsils were HUGE! Her uvula was exceptionally long as well since with her mouth wide open it still touched her tongue.
We set the date for the surgery and she had her tonsils and adnoids out with a uvula trim.
She recovered VERY well. The worst part was getting over the anesthesia. She had a couple bad moments of pain (about 5-10 min each) and that was that. After a few weeks, all the sudden KayDee was EATING! I really couldn't believe that she kept asking for more food at meals and double the snacks. I think this is the best thing we could have done for her. Her cheeks are a little more chubby already. We haven't heard her snoring for days and she is a much happier child since she sleeps better!

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