Thursday, August 7, 2008

Yeah! July is Over!

July was a long month for me and for Kevin. Although Kevin works on his trucks and gets things done, he doesn't have a good stop button. So we are rearranging how he works on trucks so... We had a deal that he needed to get all of his trucks in order throughout all of July and be done before August 1st. He worked really hard and nearly made it at the end of the month; he finished August 2nd. Since he went two days over, he then "owed" me.
I had gone shopping with Rachel that weekend and we had found some really cute dresses. I didn't get one dress I completely loved because it was more expensive and so when I got home and told him about it, he said I could get the dress and we would be "even". So that is how I accidentally worked it to get a new dress, which is absolutely adorable (I'll have to take a picture).
Now that July is over, he still works on his truck projects but in a more balanced way. I am so blessed that my husband is the kind of person he is and that he will do what it takes to make life better!


Jamie said...

Wahoo! New dress. I'm seriously lacking in new church clothes. Maybe I'll ask for some for Christmas.

always loven life said...

Kevin, you are a stud! I am jealous !I want to go shopping with my sister! Love ya Sara.