Monday, March 16, 2015

Washington DC with the Farm Bureau

We had an amazing opportunity to go with the Young Farmers and Ranchers of the Utah Farm Bureau to Washington DC for five days. While there, we visited many memorials, historical sites and museums. We were able to visit with our state congressmen and senators directly and talk about our concerns and they told us what they were doing about it. We learned a lot and are so grateful we were able to go. We appreciate all those who supported us while on our trip!

Arlington Cementery where the YF&R did a wreath ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This was a really touching experience and made us deeply appreciate those who fight for freedom.
 The White House at night. It looks a little smaller than I thought it'd be.
 Abraham Lincoln Memorial
 Korean War Memorial
 The pew George Washington's family rented at Christ's Church
 Mount Vernon. We loved visiting the home of George Washington. I didn't know he wanted to be a farmer.
 Washington's Grave
 Holocaust Museum. This is an amazing but sad museum.
 Gettysburg. We were able to drive through but the snow canceled our tours. We'd love to go back and see it!
 The gun that was used to kill Abraham Lincoln
 Ford's Theater where Lincoln was shot
 The room Lincoln died

 The rooftop of the Farm Bureau offices in DC
 Smithsonian Aero Space Museum
 The Prime Minister of Israel walked right past us on our tour of The Capitol building. We were next to the whisper spot.

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