Thursday, February 28, 2013

Derrick's 3rd Grade Program

 Derrick's 3rd grade program was based on the settlers of the area. They sang many western songs and did some great dances. Of course they had speaking parts. The 3rd grade also honored an older gentleman in the community.
 This song was our favorite. Derrick's friend, Ellen, did so well playing it and singing it (especially for a 3rd grader). He was able to do the actions for it. "The life of a cowboy, who could ask for more?"
 This was absolutely amazing for these 9 year olds. They looked like they had a blast with this square dance!
 Here's the line dance.
 Another song Derrick did actions for as a clown.

Derrick still sings the songs and enjoys talking about the program. It was fun to see all the preparation and participation the kids were able to do.

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