Thursday, June 16, 2011

KayDee is 5

 KayDee is 5 and she is so excited about it! She has been looking forward to this age since she has wanted to go to school like her older brother and sister. Now she can go to kindergarten!
She has been going to preschool and doing an online preschool called UPSTART which has helped her with the first stages of reading. She knows all her letters and sounds and can sound out words. She has memorized words like: the, and, me, my and several others. She can read the Dick and Jane books by herself!
She loves to color and write notes to family. She loves to draw princesses. KayDee is a lot more brave riding bikes now and has gained confidence with swimming lessons. She loves her dog Daisy and has taken care of a spot in the garden that she planted, which includes zucchini and cucumber. She loves ladybugs and catches toads. She can shower by herself too!
KayDee loves to say prayers and has been very interested in the resurrection. She wants to make sure that it will be okay when we die.

 We invited friends from church, school, and music class to her birthday party. Nearly all showed up and they had a fantastic time in that tiny pool.
We set up the pool and she received pool toys to share while her friends were there. The water twister pad was a hit as well.
Happy Birthday KayDee!

1 comment:

BreeAnna said...

I love that you used both pictures of her. They are both so cute, she's so sweet!